Thursday, December 2, 2010

Increasing Capabilities to Manage the CBRNe Threat

Marcus Evans Presents:

6th Annual CBRNe Conference

Improving Communication Amongst Responders to Enhance Capabilities and Augment Collaborative Efforts Against CBRNe Threats


January 25-27, 2011, Dallas, TX: For 5 years marcus evans has been meeting the intelligence needs of the CBRNe community, and past delegates have been quick to share their thoughts following our annual conference:


"This was an outstanding conference. It provided many interesting topics regarding CBRNe. Any agency or organization that plans for, trains, supports or responds to CBRNe should attend."

US Coast Guard


"The best CBRN conference event! Came out far more informed than when I entered! Great job!"



"Great experience to share a lot of experience with other agencies"

US Army - 4th Infantry Brigade


"The presentations were excellent. Speakers were most valuable in explaining how the military Title 10 and Title 32 fit into CBRNe support"

Air National Guard


"The CBRN Conference serves as a great venue to network between the CBRN Defense World personnel"

Joint IED Defeat Organization




More than 16 briefings include:


Updating US NORTHCOM's CBRNe Enterprise Program

Rear Admiral Daniel Abel, Deputy J-3



Augmenting Collaborations and Communication Amongst Organizations to Enhance CBRNe Capabilities

Colonel William King

Commander, Dugway Proving Ground

West Desert Test Center

US Army

Amplifying Responder Capabilities Through Intensive and Specialized Training

Colonel Vance P. Visser, Commandant

US Army CBRN School


Adapting CBRNe Incident Mitigation Techniques to Respond to a Natural Disaster

Lieutenant Commander Arthur Gomez

Chief, Incident Management Division

USCG Sector Houston-Galveston



With more than 14 hours of practical briefings from subject matter experts, the 6th Annual CBRNe Conference is not to be missed. Aimed at bringing together a focused group of subject matter experts with current practical experience from across all sections of the DOD, Federal Government and First Responders this event will drive improved collaboration and communication to reduce the CBRNe threat - make sure you group is represented today.




To request a full conference agenda and registration details contact me on the number below or via email


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