Friday, December 17, 2010

Fwd: [EM] Resources on Hospital Exercises and Radiation Response

Hospital Preparedness Exercise Resources, AHRQ

These resources can help hospital preparedness exercise coordinators plan for, design and develop, conduct, evaluate, and improve hospital preparedness exercises.

The Hospital Preparedness Exercises Atlas of Resources and Tools describes nearly 200 resources and tools that are available to help exercise coordinators meet Federal funding requirements and accreditation standards throughout the exercise cycle. Each entry provides descriptive and citation information for the resource or tool.

The Hospital Preparedness Exercises Guidebook complements the Atlas, serving as a reference for planning, conducting, and evaluating exercises and for how to comply with accreditation standards and Federal guidelines.

The accompanying Hospital Preparedness Exercises Pocket Guide serves as a quick reference, summarizing the Guidebook.

Radiation Issues. "Medical Aspects of Radiation Incidents" Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Radiation. The Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site. 2010.

The Medical Aspects of Radiation Incidents provides the basic information needed for the medical management of victims of radiation incidents in an easy-to-understand manner.

Among the topics discussed in The Medical Aspects of Radiation Incidents are:

* basic health physics and dose estimation (US and SI units)
* treatment of whole body and acute local irradiation issues
* assessment and treatment of internal contamination with radioactive materials
* patient decontamination
* delayed effects of exposure to ionizing radiation
* risk and psychological issues

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