Thursday, August 6, 2009

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Editorial and Publication Policies
The Journal of Homeland Security is provided by ANSER, a not-for-profit, public sector research institute. It is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the discussion and analysis of issues related to the subject of Homeland Security. The Journal publishes feature articles, book reviews, commentaries and articles focusing on science and technology relevant to the field of homeland security. Feature articles are usually reviewed by at least two referees for significance and scholarliness. Feature authors will be informed whether papers are accepted, require revision prior to publication, or are rejected.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

The Journal of Homeland Security welcomes manuscript submissions from all social science and business disciplines as well as homeland security–specific manuscripts from other disciplines. Work from any discipline that illuminates and illustrates homeland security problems, characteristics, and issues in the United States or other parts of the world is acceptable for manuscript review.

The editor will assume that submission of a manuscript to the Journal of Homeland Security indicates that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under review elsewhere.

Electronic Submission

Please send an e-mail with “Journal Manuscript Submission” in the subject line and include the manuscript as an attachment to the editor. In the body of the e-mail, include the name of the author(s), institutional affiliation, and college or department, position or title, academic rank, and the name, address, telephone and e-mail of the contact person for the submitted manuscript. Please include this same information on a cover page at the beginning of the manuscript. The electronic manuscript should be in MS Word or a compatible format.

Manuscript Preparation

The electronic manuscript should be double spaced and include the cover page with the contact information at the beginning of the manuscript. Subsequent pages should include the title, abstract (150 words), introduction, the body of the manuscript (including all indented material and tables) (2,000 to 5,000 words in length), endnotes and references. All the pages should be numbered consecutively.

A separate electronic file should be attached that includes clearly identified and defined mathematical symbols. Likewise, all graphs and illustrations should be submitted in separate files. Indication as to the correct placement of graphs, tables, and illustrations should appear in the text.

The journal is published online in a format approximately 500 pixels wide. Graphics accompanying an article should be no more than 5 inches wide.

The Journal of Homeland Security’s preferred styles for text citation and references follow the samples in Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary or another simple format. All foreign words should be italicized and English translations provided. Any use of acronyms or other abbreviations should include their definition on the first use in the manuscript, and if in a foreign language, the translation provided.

Fancy fonts or formatting should not be used. It will all be converted to HTML anyway. Headings should all be in a clear hierarchy, with subheads clearly subordinate to major heads. It is helpful to mark the levels H1, H2, and H3.


All references to monographs, articles, and statistical sources are to be identified in notes with the name of the author, year of publication, and pagination when appropriate. Pay careful attention to dates, spelling of authors’ names, accents and other diacritical marks, and completeness of bibliographical references (city of publication and publisher’s name for books, or article title, publication name, date, volume, and issue number for periodicals. Please provide a working hyperlink to any sources available online even if they were not originally web publications.


The Journal of Homeland Security uses Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. All manuscripts should have been proofed for errors, spelling accuracy, and consistency prior to submission. Manuscript submissions to the Journal of Homeland Security are currently accepted only in English.


The journal holds one-time rights to articles. The author continues to hold the copyright. The author warrants that all material in the submission is original or otherwise is credited and used with permission. Please see the U.S. Copyright Office guidelines on fair use ( if there is any doubt about what needs permission.

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